Matt's Official Guide to Stonekeep I. Intro II. Stonekeep's Tower III. Stonkeep Ground Level IV. Stonekeep Basement Level V. Sewers of Stonekeep VI. Sharga Mines VII. Second Floor of Sharga Mines IIX. Entrance to Temple of Throggi IX. Temple of Throggi X. Feeding Grounds Top Level XI. Feeding Grounds Bottom Level XII. Dwarven Fortress XIIV. Faerie Realm XIV. Ice Caverns XV. Gate of the Ancients XVI. The Pits XVII. Palace of Shadows XVIII. Tower of Shadows First Floor XIX. Tower of Shadows Second Floor XX. Tower of Shadows Third Floor XXI. Khull-Khuum's Throne in the Tower of Shadows Fourth Level XXII. Dark Dwarf Dungeon XX. Temple of Thera I. Intro. How many of you have heard of the Official Dave's Walkthrough? Yes. It's a walkthrough of Stonekeep. What's this, some kind of pathetic tour? You are playing a game here and you want a tour guide? What kind of moron would do that?!? That's why Matt's Official Guide of Stonekeep is here! You now can get bonuses and crap that you couldn't before! Plus no tour guiding, I promise. Plus when I settle some business with this Dave, I'll come out with a newer edition with more, more, more stuff! (I still play). This doesn't have every single item in existence because there's the super-magickal shield and armor I can't get and this weird flask, too. Have fun and kick ass! Secret Intro. If you get this off the AOL thing, and this was in, there is the UGE module that you can use to get maximum strength, agility, and health. Plus you can pull your hit points to any three-digit number, and have max skill levels to 10! Good huh? If you don't have it, it's at and be sure to choose the UGE page. !!. You will see this sign here "!!" as a read me now! sign. You should explore every single place in existence, break all break- able things, open every chest (treasure chest, you moron!). Do not leave any where unexplored, unless you know what you are doing! II. Tower of Stonekeep. CHARACTERS: Thera, you, ants, Shargas, and a BIG Sharga (Kevin Bass). ITEMS: Very sharp dagger, oil filled containers, armor, and crap. GATEWAYS: Four, all to the Ground Level. HINTS: Pull the lever in the first tower (when you start) three times and check around for a hidden brick. It's on the wall and is in the middle of the wall. When you are in front of it, it has light glowing out of it. These secret bricks, buttons, and panels are essential for good items! Open that brick to see a lever, pull it! Check out the secret room and see a very sharp dagger in the room in a brick. One poke or two all of the enemies in this level can die! Ha, ha, ha, ha, prepare to meet your death! III. Stonekeep's Ground level. CHARACTERS: No one new. ITEMS: Afri's Orb, your journal, a broardsword, arrow, axe and weapons, and crap. KEYS: Brass and Bronze keys. The Sharga in the same room as your journal has a brass key. The ants in Elizabeth's kitchen has a bronze key. GATEWAYS: Six. Four to the Towers, and two to the Basement level. HINTS: Explore all the bricks and open them up to reveal roots and crap. Whenever there's a room with nothing in it, there usually is a hidden room. Whenever a Sharga tries their best to beat you, they are not worth a puddle of warm spit, ok! Just poke them once with your dagger. Ha! Those turds! If you run away from a Sharga with that dagger, you shouldn't be reading this! !!. Whack ALL your enemies in the head! No one is special and everyone's weakness is the head! Even Khull-Khuum, the ShadowKing. IV. Basement Level of Stonekeep. CHARACTERS: Farli Mallestone, Wahooka, snakes, green slimes, and Shargas. ITEMS: Runewand with Firebolt and Healing Runes and a mana circle in the Mage's study. Extra weapons, wineskin, keyring, chainmail, and crap. KEYS: Ivory and Steel keys. The green slime in the northeast has the Ivory key. Use that to unlock Farli Mallestone's cell nearby. A bunch of Shargas have the Steel key. GATEWAYS: Five, one to the Sharga Mines, two to the previous level, two to the sewers. HINTS: There are three secret walls, Farli will point them out (some) and there is one just on the other side of the one on the top of the map. The wineskin is used for scooping the Fountain's water in. If you see a keyhole in the middle of the no where with no door in sight, unlock it with the ivory key and snoop around until you see a big round thingy on the ground, throw a rock or some thing on it! A clickplate! See those arrows that shoot out, that coulda' been you! pick em up. Put a rock twice per clickplate because the arrows only fire twice. Unlock the other door with the Steel key. !!. Before reading on, in the sewers, if you enter the sewers from the door by the switch cylinders, Do not go south, but only when you are forced to. Always go west. You can go south when you, after going all the way west and there is this long road in the middle. You will have green slimes attacking you in the water, don't panic, stay calm and equip your dagger and poke at the very bottom of the screen. It will kill them. You know when you have found the cylinders when Drake says "Ow! My foot!" Pick it up. When you drain the sewers, you can go south, there is the three-tenctacled thing. Do not encounter it in combat hand to hand. Instead just back up until it turns away and squinches away. Then just go on more step forward and wait for him to appear then back up one space, as it turns to go away, throw things at it. Keep it up until it dies. Use the runewand's firebolt rune to speed things up. V. Sewers CHARACTERS: Three-tenctacled thing, snakes, green slimes. ITEMS: Just CRAP! Two cylinders. One Dragon Statue. GATEWAYS: Three, all to the basement level. KEYS: none. HINTS: By the three-tenctacled thing, there is a secret wall. Try to go through a bunch of walls until you find it. Then you go up again to the basement level. Snoop around. Yeah. You see that pedestal? Put the dragon statue on it. VI. Sharga Mines !!. There is a hornet flying around in the front. Kill it and a swarm of one hundred you have to deal with. Unless you are not going back, kill him. Yes! That feel good! Not any more! Ouch! Get outta there! Plus There is this Ettin in the south. So do not go up to him. He kills you automatically. Instead, back up one square until you are out of his room. Throw rocks to break the barrels, go in (not up to him, fool) and loot his chest and go outta there. CHARACTERS: Karzak Hardstone, hornets, Ettin, Sharga (alot more than you would care for), exploding plants (any one see Liitle Shop of Horrors? Hee, hee! YOUR REVENGE! DIE PLANTS, DIE!), And squeaking mushrooms (mush is Right!). GATEWAYS: Two, one to Stonekeep, the other to the Second Floor of Sharga Mines ITEMS: Dwarven armor (for Farli, fool) weapons, Aquila's Orb, a throggish key, and shit (hey, i can swear ok! It's a free damn country!). Seriously, there is REAL shit here but find it! Plus there is other crap. KEYS: Throggish key HINTS: Beat the plants to hell! VII. Sharga Mines Second Floor CHARACTERS: Skrag, Grug, snakes, sharga (one tiny and one HUGE!), green slimes ITEMS: Runesceptre, and potency meta rune, and, uh, I think that's it. Besides the usual. GATEWAYS: Two, one to previous, and one to the Entrance to Throggi. KEYS: none. HINTS: Behind Skrag is the meta rune, break the barrel and press the button. Behind you is a chest open it and get that rune. The runesceptre is found by falling in a pit along with a language rune. You don't need that to read this. !!. You should label your runes, 'cause if you forget then you don't have to search for that   scroll!!!. IIX. Entrance to the Temple of Throggi CHARACTERS: Wahooka, throgs, skeleton, Little Shop of Horrors. ITEMS: The black arrow quiver is received after kicking the bony juice out of the skeleton. Shit is in here as well. Items are here when you turn the throgs into puree. Use the throggish shield it is alot better than the metal one. GATEWAYS: Two, one to the previous, and the other to the Temple. KEYS: none HINTS: Do not go into the room with the skeleton, instead just throw things at him. IX. Temple of Throggi. CHARACTERS: Dombur Mallestone, Gorda Karn, throgs, throg shamans, Throggi. ITEMS: Besides weapons, Azrael's Orb, Throggish Runecaster, Throggish pendant, and the usual crud. GATEWAYS: Three, one to the Feeding Grounds Bottom Floor, one to the previous level and a teleporter to the Palace of Shadows. !!. Do not even try to get to the Palace of the Shadows because you must be on the other side that goes to the Temple. Once you enter the Temple you can go back. KEYS: One, the throggish pendant, it is used to pass the door with that baby face on it. HINTS: After you free Dombur go to the cell past him, look for the button, and a secret room opens, go all the way to the dead end, look for a button again, another room. Notice the throg patrolling? Good. Go in after he leaves and take a left. A statue? Huh? With weapons! Ha, ha, ha! Wait, before you go crazy here, heed this, only take one weapon (axe or sword is preferred) or the weapons disappear and the statue punches you HARD. Take the red orb from his eyeslot. The other one has poison. Turn around and bash the throg with your new weapon. It is easier to kick ass! I GUARRANTEE it! Now, if you haven't found Gorda Karn yet, use this on him. Plus when you fight him, do it hand-to-hand. It is preferrable to put a weapon in both hands and tape down both buttons and make short work of the shit-monger. X. Feeding Grounds Bottom Level. CHARACTERS: Throg Shamans, throgs, shargas, Little Shop of Horrors, squealing mushrooms. ITEMS: Half of a broken key, runes (check out the rune page for the description of the runes and what they do), feathers, pieces to the stoneshooter and the usual. GATEWAYS: Five, one to the Temple, one to the Dwarven Clanhall, three to the Top Level. One of the gateways to the top level is a pit, so you jump in the pit to go to the Bottom level, get me? KEYS: Half of a broken key, Throggish key as well. HINTS: Go everywhere! There's a Shaman that disappears after attacking him, he drops a bunch of feathers, grab it! Once you have that you can pass the doors with green runes without damage. XI. Feeding Grounds Top Level. CHARACTERS: Vermatrix Goldenhide, Skuz, Shamans, throgs, sharga, faeries. ITEMS: Half of a broken key, runes, treasure, magickal flint, and the usual. GATEWAYS: Five, one to the Faerie Realm, one to the Ice Caverns, three to the Bottom Level. KEYS: Half of a broken key. HINTS: Do not attack the dragon. Go to the Dwarven Clanhall after getting all the halves. Take every thing off all the dwarves before approaching the door except Karzak. Go to the blacksmith (take a right, keep going, another right, keep going, TA DA!) to get the chisel. Use the chisel on that weird rock in the Top level. It's the flint. Go back to the Clanhall to give it to the blacksmith, then after he lights the fire, he'll come back to ask for the halves. Give 'em to him. He'll come back with a repaired key! Use that on the dragon. (to unlock it, stupid, not attack it). XII. Dwarven Clanhall CHARACTERS: Dombur, Torin the Elder, Karzak, Sardin Blackrock, Seldin Blackrock, a throg, the Undead Warrior, Orson, Thun Brightstone, Grak, Geldor ITEMS: All new eateries, weapons, and stuff! Fun place! KEYS: One, from Geldor. HINTS: Don't attack the dwarves unless they attack you! Once in Geldor's Armory, use the arrow and bow to kill him (a weapon other than that will have Karzak, if you rejoined with him, ditch you and attack you, and then all the dwarves attack you, not good! After killing Geldor, take his stuff and his key. Use that to lock his armory 'cause if any of the dwarves see a dwarven corpse they go MAD! Search for a locked door nearby, unlock it with Geldor's key, go in! Real GOOD weapons! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Use the Red Orb on you and go in search of the Undead Warrior. When you find a coffin, don't towards it instead, fire an arrow at it. A mummy comes out, back up and as soon as you are out of the portcullis, hold down the button that you are using for arrows on the thing. WOW! A machine gun, almost! That Red Orb makes all the weapons at super-speed. Once that Undead Warrior you attacked is dead, pick up the arrows, and in his coffin is a ring, use it! Go back to Torin, you now can open his chest, grab a magickal shield, and a rune. The big rock by Sardin is the Dwarven Training Rock. Put a weapon (should be the same) in both hands and tape down both buttons to get increase in skill by three points. This only works once. After you encounter the dwarf that attacks you, go into his square and then go into the secret wall to find a bunch of runes. XIII. Faerie Realm. !!. Relax, the Faeries are invincible, invulnerable, unhurtable, and CANNOT attack you. The only thing you should fear is the troll area, and it is in the waaaaaaayyyyy south past the portcullis. Mellow out, hey, if you want a good fight, go back to the Dwarven Clanhall, and give it to them! I do that all the time, they are weak and pathetic wusses! Kick their ass! CHARACTERS: Chuckle, Binkle, Winkle, Giggle, Snort, Murph, Sweetie, Surly, Sparkle, Queen Iaenni, trolls, and Tse'Mara (read Thera's Awakening). ITEMS: All new! My favorite place, there is faerie clothing, wear it! Each of them has 20% protection against trolls. And don't bother to write down on the notes what the faeries want, it is already done, it is written in the clues section of your journal. Plus if you have every clothing item, you are GOD! Well, against trolls. The clothes are, hat, pants, shirt, Luckstone Ring, and horseshoe pendant. GATEWAYS: One, to the Top Level of the Feeding Grounds. KEYS: Two, one gold and one silver, use both of them on the keyhole by the portcullis in the very far west. HINTS: You get the gold key from a male faerie, and the silver one from Surly after you give her a faerie cake. Give Sweetie the WHITE daisy chain, not the blue one. Give Sweetie the daisy chain to get a four leaf clover. It is needed to see trolls. The shirt is gotten by giving the faerie by the west portcullis a piece of parchment and a charcoal stick. Past the portcullis (west) is where the Queen is. Notice that you can't enter? Put a primrose down by where you can't enter and go around the the square twice then go in. Bingo! The picture the Faerie gives you is a portrait of the Queen, give it to her. Take the ring from her and put it on. Plus talk to her three times or four. You get a pendant. Save it for later, for the Ice Caverns. Once you have the hat, pants, shirt and the ring, go the the troll area, find Sparkle, go get the pendant. It is hidden in a field of flowers, make sure to pick up ALL the flowers. Invulnerability! Notice the Mud Statue by the Queen? It refills your mana! Explore the troll area until you have Yoth-Soggoth's Orb, and the ElvenStaff. XIV. Ice Caverns. !!. You suffer damage to the immense coldness, every five or four minutes. So do not think it's a guy attacking you. The warming rune you get after giving Gorza his runescroll prevents that. The warming rune is temporary, so use the duration meta rune you find in the Dwarven Clanhall to extend it to 15 more minutes. CHARACTERS: Ice Queen (evil this time), Ice Sharga, Gorza, Kandoc, a healer, an advisor, a skeleton, Enigma, Nigel Hardstone, and Ice Witches. ITEMS: Ice Hammer, runescroll, Helion's Orb, Cold Fire. GATEWAYS: Two, to the Top Level of Feeding Grounds, and another to the Gate of the Ancients. KEYS: None, no doors. HINTS: Do not break any ice walls until you have the cold fire, but you need to break the wall Nigel points out in order to get to the cold fire. Ditch the faerie clothing, and put on your armor. Put on the magickal pendant as well. When you encounter the skeleton, it collapses only if you are wearing the pendant, else you will have to fight him. Take his skull, they revive if you do not take either his skull, sword, or helmet. Go past the skeleton. See that fire? It is blue, that's the cold fire right there. Just grab it. You should pick up Enigma by now. A spoilspell rune defrosts Nigel and Enigma. If you see Rek the insane Sharga, screw him! No, no, no, I mean kill him (sorry)! You get an ice sword off of him and the other Shargas don't care! Go past him try to break a wall around him, there's the ice hammer, it's stupid! It melts after you get Helion's Orb. That sucks! But there's a rune in there also! Go back to Gorza after finding the runescroll in the same area. He'll give you the warming rune. Use it. Go to Kandoc, he'll show you the way to the Ice Queen. Go all the way to the dead end and smash the wall. Use the duration meta rune with the warming rune to extend your time. Once you smash the wall pick up the cold fire from your inventory and hold it in midair. Meet the Ice Queen, ooh yeah! Pant, pant, (wolf whistle). Throw the cold fire at her soon as she stops talking. There! She's vulnerable. Use the arrow and bow and go chasin' after her. No, kill her not screw her! You do that then it's a freezing day for you! XV. Gate of the Ancients !!. Put you weapons away! Don't fall in any hole before I tell you this. DO NOT STEP ON THE THREE CLICKPLATES IN A ROW OR YOU WILL BE TRAPPED!! CHARACTERS: No one. ITEMS: Magickal Armor, weapons and crap. KEYS: Lion Key, Wolf Key, Orb Key. GATEWAYS: Too many, one to Ice Caverns, one to the Palace of Shadows. And a bunch to the Pits. HINTS: Go to the center and look for buttons there are two, press 'em. You see the switch? Pull it! Explore the pits. There is a secret wall by the locked door in the east top part. Don't use the featherfall rune, ok! Once you get the Orb, click it on Drake in the same square as you got it. there is a secret wall as soon as you go up the pit. It's one of the four, if you can't go through one, keep trying them all. As soon as you get to the Gate, don't go in but go through a secret wall on your right. There's a room with mothing in it. Another secret wall find it, then find the door, grab heal potions and the SilverStaff. Then go through the Gate. Note that you may have to pull the switch again. XVI. The Pits. CHARACTERS: The Ancient voice. ITEMS: Safrinni's Orb, and stuff. KEYS: none. HINTS: Check out the Orb Guide, the Rune Guide, the Item Guide and the Weapon Guide. And read the hints for the Gate of the Ancients. XVII. Palace of Shadows. CHARACTERS: Floating Skulls, Skeletons, and Farli Mallestone, Wahooka. GATEWAYS: Two to the Tower and to the Temple of Throggi. KEYS: Yin key and Yang key. ITEMS: Marif's Orb, The Shadow Weapon. HINTS: Use the invisibility rune with duration and area effect to make the skeletons ignore you. You must take one the the three items they leave behind: the helmet, the sword, or the skull. If you see a another yang symbol (red) put the yin on it. It opens two doorways. When you see a dark mirror, Smash it or die! Use the shrink rune on Marif's Orb to pick it up. Kill Scourge with black arrows. Keep checking that invisibility rune. When Khull-Khuum comes and blah blahs at you and whacks the air out of you, go all the way back to where he did that and look for a button. Then when you are in the square Marif's Orb was go to the walls to look for more buttons. Press all the buttons, fool! When you are on the west side, and you passed the barrier, look for a dark teleporter and go through. Find a button in the area past the barrier on the east. Find it? Good, now go through that mirror. You are in the Temple! Go back. Then after you go back, go to the middle of that square (the big square of squares) Blast the wall in the middle to reveal a door. It is to the Tower of Shadows. But in the south of the west part there is a lot of secret walls. You should find a piece of Shadow. Then find a teleporter and go through, find the same secret wall, but you are in the east. Put the thing on the pedestal. Morphing Shadow weapon! You choose! Wahooka joins you after you enter or try to enter the barrier on the west. XVIII. Tower of Shadows First Floor. CHARACTERS: Keeper of the Tower of Shadows, Fire Elementals, Spikers. ITEMS: Silver Ankh, and potions. GATEWAYS: One to the Palace and the other to the Second Floor, and another one that takes you to the Second Floor. KEYS: One puzzle. The answers: 1 2 3 4 1   2  3  4   HINTS: The puzzle opens the door that shoots the energy bolt at you. The sign that is covered with dust, that talks about darkness and light, has a secret wall three squares back and on the right. Then there is a secret wall in the next square after you enter the secret wall. You should use the tornado to dust the sign or wipe it off then use the curing rune or eat a mushroom. If you see a portcullis, go towards it, press the button to open the portcullis and go in, waste the spiker with a piercing weapon, or the black arrows. I prefer the shadow dagger because it kills the elementals and spikers quite easily. I usually fire up the shield rune and the triple power and the area effect and duration meta rune to shield myself from the fire elementals' fire. Once you waste the spiker, SAVE YOUR GAME! go north to meet the invincible spiker. Back up all the way through the secret wall past the portcullis, then wait 2 or 3 seconds then go forward to press the button to close the portcullis and trap him! If it didn't work you can either duke it out with him or reload your game and try again. Past the spiker's original location is the silver ankh. The next place you gotta go is: to the second level! The one that used to shoot an energy bolt at you. XIX. Tower of Shadows Second Floor. CHARACTERS: Elementals. ITEMS: Silver Crescent, and cross. GATEWAYS: One to the First floor and one to the Third. KEYS: none. !!. The symbols flashing on the wall means that you must have that item to go through. HINTS: Nothing really hard, just explore, and don't go in any doors with one square behind it unless you have the cross and crescent. Why? Because if you do, then if a one way trip to the third floor. XX. Tower of Shadows Third Floor. CHARACTERS: Elementals. ITEMS: Silver circle. GATEWAYS: Three, two to Khull-Khuum's Throne and one to the previous floor. HINTS: None. Slaughter the Fire Elementals and make them suffer! KEYS: NONE. XXI. Khull-Khuum's Throne: Fourth Floor of the Tower of Shadows. CHARACTERS: Khull-Khuum, the ShadowKing. ITEMS: Kor-Soggoth's Orb, Thera's Orb. GATEWAYS: Three, two to the previous floor and one to the Temple of Thera. HINTS: Do not enter the middle square unless you ARE GOD!!!!! KICK Khull-Khuum in the ass real HARD! Use all the weapons you want (take his orbs first!). But the Shadow Dagger makes short work of him! If you are not GOD, then just go around and place a silver item on each pillar, but saving the last one to trap Khull-Khuum when you go in. When he tells you to take the orbs, step out and place the last silver item in the pillar and trap him in an orb. If you do that then you are no champion but a coward! Wuss! Wuss! Wuss! Why because he is only trapped, but you can KILL him! He goes poof and dies, he is a spirit so he just disappears. XXII. Dark Dwarven Dungeon. CHARACTERS: Dark Dwarves ITEMS: Black bolt Arrows, and crap. GATEWAYS: One to the Tower of Shadows First Level. HINTS: You need hints?!?, Why I oughtta... Oh, never mind! Just find two buttons! XX. Temple of Thera. CHARACTERS: NONE ITEMS: NONE GATEWAYS: To outside. HINTS: In order, Helion's Orb, Aquila's, Thera's, Azrael's, Marif's, Afri's, Safrinni's, Yoth-Soggoth or Kor-Soggoth. Orb Guide Afri's: Place it on the ground and a map appears of your location and ahead. It marks: enemies, secret walls, and other areas. God of vision. Saturn. Aquila's: Recharges your health twice per level. God of life. Venus. Azrael's: Makes your attacks a lot more DAMN quicker. Your arrows fire out like a machine gun, obliterating your opponent. God of war. Mars. Helion's: Never, never makes you cold again. God of heat and fire. Mercury. Khull-Khuum: Does nothing. God of Darkness, and Shadows. The Sun Kor-Soggoth's: Grants you magickal resistance to Khull-Khuum's spell. Brother of magick. Pluto. Marif's: Grants you strength, so you can pass the barrier. God of Strength. Jupiter. Safrinni's: Makes you go up a pit. God of Flight. Uranus. Thera's: Does nothing. (She helps you in the beginning, remember?) God of Earth. Earth. Yoth-Soggoth's: Recharges your mana. Five charges or more per level. (never counted). God of Magick. Neptune. Rune Guide Mannish: FIREBOLT: Bolt of fire. In the Mage's Study. CURING: Cures you. In the Mage's study. SILENCE: Silences your actions. In the First Floor of Sharga mines. LANGUAGE: Allows you to read all languages. In the Second Floor of the Sharga mines. SPOILSPELL: Cancels magick to some extent. Also can be used as magickal resistance. Forgot where. ARMOR: Protects you from non ranged attacks in certain areas. From Gorza. SCARE: Enemies flee. From throg shaman in the Temple of Throggi. HEALING: Cures wounds and poison.Forgot. WIND: Hurls a tornado. In Feeding Grounds. ICEBOLT: Shoots a bolt of ice. If powerful enough it can freeze the guy. Perfect for extinguishing fire. From Gorza. WARMTH: Keeps you warm and can also thaw out Enigma and Nigel. From Gorza. COLD: Excuse me for a second, Matt. Sure, Wahooka. Bah, this rune is worthless would you like to trade it?. In the Gate of Ancients. SPHERE: Shoots balls out and can whack the guy. So secret I even forgot! HOMING: Lets you mark a location to translocate. Feeding Grounds Level #1 TRANSLOCATE: Lets you translocate to a designated spot. If you step back on marked circle, it will translocate you back. In Torin's chest (stupid, his TREASURE chest) Fae Runes: SHRINK: To shrink things and stuff. In a treasure chest past Vermatrix. FEATHERFALL: To make the selected person invulnerable when falling down a pit. Worthless. ?????where????? INVISIBILITY: Makes you and your party invisible. Perfect against the guys in the Palace of Shadows. Doesn't work against fire elementals or spikers. ??? SLOW: Slows the person down. You get this from Murph. DUCK RUNE: To be used on the Statue in the Gate of the Ancients. Gotten by the Faerie Band by giving them a mushroom. Throggish Runes: STRENGTH: Increases your strength. From temple of Throggi. SHIELD: Shields you from ranged attacks. In the Throggi Temple. ENERGYBOLT: Shoots a bolt of pure magick. From Gorda Karn. STOPTRACK: Stops the target in their tracks. In the Gate of the Ancients. Meta Runes: DOUBLE-POWER: It increases your power to the 2nd degree. In a hidden brick in southeast part of the last level of Stonekeep. TRIPLE-POWER: It increases your power to the 3rd degree. In the dwarven clanhall, in a secret room past Grak. POTENCY: Decreases your opponents' magickal resistance. Behind Skrag. DURATION: Increases the time of a spell. Past Grak. AREA EFFECT: Will affect everything in a square. Past Grak. SPECIAL ITEMS Cylinders: to drain the sewers. Dragon Statue: To put on the pedestal to enter the Underlands. Throggish Pendant: Used to enter the Temple. Magickal Pendant: Used to Identify yourself. Faerie clothing: to protect yourself from trolls. Very Sturdy Key: To free Vermatrix. Cold Fire: to make the Ice Queen vulnerable. Silver Items: An ankh, a cross, a crescent, a circle. To trap Khull-Khuum. Your Friends Dwarves: Farli Mallestone of the Chak'ra Clan Farli is loyal, tough and just plain cool. Karzak Hardstone of the Chak'ra Clan A tough 'o' bitchin' bastard! He KICKS ASS! Dombur Mallestone of the Chak'ra Clan A wuss, moron, a weakling and pea-brained spazz. Other: Skuz the Sharga This guy is alright but needs a little more intelligence. I don't see why we need him. Enigma the ElvenKing Believe me, he is the King of the Elves. He is the coolest guy around! His arrows do damage (except to Khull-Khuum). Sparkle the Faerie She's more of a bonus than a faerie, she armors you and heals you. Wahooka the Ancient This goblin is older than the oldest gods. He saves young drake in the beginning movie. Yep! That's him. Wahooka is my favorite character next to Khull-Khuum! Your Enemies Ants Sharga Green slimes Snakes Three-tenctacled thingamabobs Hornets The Ettin Little Shop of Horrors Squealing Mushrooms Throgs Throg Shaman Trolls Horrible Troll Tse'Mara Ice Queen Ice Witches Undead Warrior Skeletons Floating Skulls Dark Dwarves Fire Elementals Spinning Spikers Khull-Khuum, the Shadowking. Wanna know something? Khull-Khuum's helmet is the Sun! It lights up In the morning and sets at the night, but when Khull-Khuum took over everything he didn't light up, all was dark. So it is cool! I wish I had Khull-Khuum's Armor! Runecasters KINDMANA WHERE Runewand25 Stonekeep Runesceptre40 Sharga Mines ThrogCaster40 Temple of Throggi ElvenStaff60 Faerie Realm SilverStaff99 Gate of Ancients